We certify FusionDirectory with all the most common distributions, here is a table which summarizes the level of support by distribution and version.

DistributionFusionDirectory 1.3.1Fusiondirectory 1.4
Debian Bustersimplicitesimplicite
Debian Bullseyesimplicitesimplicite
Centos 7simplicitesimplicite
Centos 81existe pasexiste pas
Redhat 7simplicitesimplicite
Redhat 8existe pasen travaux
Ubuntu 20.04 LTSsimplicitesimplicite
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS2simplicitesimplicite
en travaux

In progress

icone support

Premium support contract

existe pas


1 Following the Centos blog announcement of the discontinuation of Centos 8 in 2021, there will be no Centos 8 support from FusionDirectory

2 Need the ppa repository from the official maintainer of Debian/Ubuntu packages