3CT: first Official FusionDirectory Partner in the Nantes region

FusionDirectory is delighted to announce the signing of a partnership agreement with 3CTrepresented by its Director Jean-Louis Brehier for the distribution of FusionDirectory and its services in the Nantes region

Benoit Mortier director of FusionDirectory "We are delighted to have signed this contract with 3CT. We appreciate their sense of professionalism and customer service. " 

Like us, they share the values of Free Software and defend them on a daily basis.

Jean-Louis Brehier, Managing Director of 3CT "We are delighted to be partnering with FusionDirectoryan opensource identity management solution that perfectly complements our offering of lemonLDAP::NG and enables us to offer a complete suite of sovereign IAM solutions."

Benoit Mortier Director of FusionDirectory "We're delighted to be able to provide our customers in the Nantes region with a local service thanks to 3CT.

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