Identity and access governance

Identity and access governance is a crucial aspect of IT security in organizations. Using an IAG solution, it aims to ensure that only authorized people have access to sensitive resources and data, while ensuring compliance with security and confidentiality policies.

iag solution
IAG FusionDirectory solution

What is identity and access governance?

In today's digital world, data security and confidentiality are major concerns for businesses and organizations. Identity and access management is a crucial aspect of this security, as it enables control over who has access to which resources, and how this access is used.

Identity and access governance (IAG) consists in setting up a structure and processes to manage identities and their access rights. This governance, often facilitated by an IAG solution, is essential because it enables :

  • Control who has access to which resources;
  • Ensure data security and confidentiality;
  • Reduce the risk of loss or theft of sensitive information.

FusionDirectory: an IAG solution for identity and access management

FusionDirectory is an open source tool that fits perfectly into this identity and access governance approach. Based on the LDAP protocol, FusionDirectory enables centralized management of user accounts, groups, roles and access rights to different resources (servers, applications, etc.).

With FusionDirectory, administrators can define consistent, enterprise-wide authentication and authorization policies. They can ensure that only authorized people access the information and services they need to do their jobs, while limiting the risk of data leakage or misuse.

What's more, FusionDirectory offers a host of advanced features, such as delegation management, approval workflows, integration with ActiveDirectory directories and the ability to generate detailed reports on access and modifications.

By adopting FusionDirectory, organizations can significantly strengthen their identity and access governance, while enjoying the benefits of an open-source IAG solution that is scalable and adaptable to their specific needs.

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